Discover new tech at New-Tech
Our local partner and official distributor in Israel, OpteamX, will be showing our products at New-Tech next week, can you join them?
Thousands of visitors are expected along with over 150 exhibitors from around the world, and the show will include a number of professional events and conferences, including Opto-Tech, Robotics 2022 and 3D Day. The event will run on 24-25 May at Pavilion 1 of EXPO Tel-Aviv, Israel and you can register to attend free of charge.
OpteamX will present our state-of-the-art FireBird frame grabbers, Harrier AF-Zoom camera interface boards and BlueBird SDI adapter. These components bring high-speed, high-resolution imaging to new or existing vision systems in industrial, defense and medical sectors, amongst others. View our full product range and contact us for more information.