Custom embedded vision solution for rail application
If you made it to our booth at VISION 2022 you may have been treated to a preview of a couple of our custom-designed boards for specific applications before they go into volume production.
One such example is the carrier board specially designed and manufactured for our joint project with Steatite, our sister company. Solid State plc, the group company which encompasses both Steatite and Active Silicon, was awarded a contract to help deliver a new One Person Operation CCTV system for Transport for London, as part of the Piccadilly Line upgrade on the London Underground network. The carrier board with specialist display output has been designed by Active Silicon to be utilized at the heart of the onboard system. It will allow real time IP video images of the platform edge (the “mind the gap” area) to be displayed on in-cab screens for driver awareness.
The experience gained over 35 years in designing complex, rugged imaging components along with our partnership with Steatite’s embedded computing division meant that we were uniquely placed to deliver and support this vital piece of vision kit.
For custom projects such as this, our skilled engineers work closely with customers to ensure the design and capability of the end system delivers the best possible imaging solution for the challenge at hand. With transport systems becoming ever more technical and increasingly connected, demand is growing for components to support applications in this field.
Benefits of custom embedded vision
Customized imaging products offer long product life to guarantee that form, fit and function will stay the same over the required time period, as well as offering the flexibility required for a particular use. They will be optimized to the specific application, for example rail and transport applications, reducing system costs while increasing reliability. Units are produced to ensure the desired functionality whilst also meeting other demands such as operating in high or low temperatures, or under intense vibration.
See more about our custom design services and get in touch if you need a high-quality customized embedded vision solution that will be reliable, robust and readily available for years to come.
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