Frame Grabber Driver for CatalystPM
The Macintosh software Catalyst allows video or lighting designers to transform and store moving and still images and then cue and play them out to multiple video systems with the option of altering the image effects in real time. Source images can be transformed in real time using a range of parameters such as shape, position, colour, intensity and speed.
For HD applications Active Silicon developed a driver compatible with SAMSC Designs’ CatalystPM software based on the Apple Mac. The combination of our Phoenix HD-SDI boards and Catalyst provide a highly reliable, feature rich digital video presentation system for events using SDI and HD-SDI video content. For analog video content we developed a Catalyst driver in combination with our LFG4-MM acquisition board.
Drivers for either systems are no longer updated, but please find all existing drivers for the different Mac OS X versions listed and available for download below.
Apple Mac OS X CDA/Catalyst driver for Phoenix HD-SDI:
Mac OS X v10.10 Yosemite:
(For Intel Mac Pros & Thunderbolt PCIe Expanders)
Phoenix Catalyst Driver v5.43.6 (ZIP, 11.4MB)
Phoenix Catalyst Driver Quickstart Guide (PDF)
Mac OS X v10.9 Mavericks:
(For Intel Mac Pros & Thunderbolt PCIe Expanders)
Phoenix Catalyst Driver v5.43.5 (ZIP, 11.4MB)
Phoenix Catalyst Driver Quickstart Guide (PDF)
Mac OS X v10.8 Mountain Lion and Mac OS X v10.7 Lion:
(For Intel Mac Pros & Thunderbolt PCIe Expanders)
Phoenix Catalyst Driver v5.43.4 (ZIP, 11.8MB)
Phoenix Catalyst Driver Quickstart Guide (PDF)
Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard:
(For Intel Mac Pros)
Phoenix Catalyst Driver v5.43.2 (ZIP, 11.6MB)
Phoenix Catalyst Driver Quickstart Guide (PDF)
Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard & Below:
(For Intel Mac Pro & PowerPC G5 Machines)
Phoenix Catalyst Driver v5.43 (ZIP, 11.3MB)
Apple Mac OS X CDA/Catalyst driver for LFG4-MM:
Mac OS X v10.7 to v10.9 Version:
(For Intel Mac Pros & Thunderbolt PCIe Expanders)
LFG Catalyst Driver v5.0.6 (ZIP, 2.1MB)
LFG Catalyst Driver Quickstart Guide (PDF)
Mac OS X v10.6 Version:
(For Intel Mac Pros)
LFG Catalyst Driver v5.0.3 (ZIP, 2.1MB)
LFG Catalyst Driver Quickstart Guide (PDF)
Current Universal Version:
(For Intel Mac Pro & PowerPC G5 Machines)
LFG Catalyst Driver v2.0 (ZIP, 14MB)
LFG Catalyst Driver Quickstart Guide (PDF)
(For Intel Mac Pros & Thunderbolt PCIe Expanders)
LFG4 & Adapter Hardware Guide (PDF)
LFG Software Development Kit
The LFG Frame Grabber SDK provides a comprehensive software development kit for our analog frame grabber series LFG. This includes our four channel frame grabber 4LFG used in a variety of applications and the multimedia version of this board, the 4LFG-MM. It includes a licence for the TMG Imaging Library (one licence per LFG card), which includes JPEG and MJPEG compression, decompression, various pixel data mappings, image display and support for the major image file formats.
A variety of operating systems are supported via a common API, including 32/64-bit versions of Windows 7/Vista/XP, DOS, Mac OS X, Linux, QNX and Solaris. Standard drivers are included for DirectShow, Twain, QuickTime (VDIG), Video for Windows, NetMeeting and Common Vision Blox.
This is legacy software, but you may contact our support team for downloads of the LFG SDK and please include your system requirements in the request.
Snapper Frame Grabber Software Development Kit
The Snapper software development kit provides support for the complete Snapper range via an identical API across multiple platforms. These include Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, DOS, Linux, VxWorks, LynxOS, Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7/8, Mac OS Classic and Mac OS X. The SDK provides all the required functions for image capture and transfer, I/O, display and file saving, as well as serial communication, exposure and timers on supported hardware.
Please note that since this product range was discontinued in 2003 we cannot generally provide any further support except in exceptional circumstances.
Legacy datasheets for reference only:
- Datasheet of the SDK (PDF)
Datasheets for Snapper series frame grabbers:
- Datasheet Snapper-8/24 in PCI (PDF)
- Datasheet Snapper-8/24 in PMC (PDF)
- Datasheet Snapper-DIG16 Module (PDF)
- Datasheet DIG16 Bus Interface Board (PDF)
- Datasheet Snapper-DIG16 PMC Form Factor (PDF)
SDK for download:
- Snapper SDK (ZIP)
SecuritySpy CCTV Application for Apple Macs
One of the major application areas for the LFG4-MM is security – from high-end defence and aerospace applications to standard digital CCTV – running under a variety of operating systems. Since the LFG4-MM is available with Mac OS X drivers, it is fully compatible with the high performance, low cost SecuritySpy software based on the Apple Mac. The combination of the LFG4-MM and SecuritySpy provides a highly reliable, feature rich digital video surveillance system targeted at small to medium businesses as well as domestic applications.
For questions and support regarding the use of our frame grabbers with SecuritySpy contact
Apple Mac OS X QuickTime capture (VDig) driver for LFG4-MM (suitable for SecuritySpy & other QuickTime applications):
Current Mac OS X v10.7 to v10.9 Version:
(For Intel Mac Pros & Thunderbolt PCIe Expanders)
- LFG VDig Driver v5.0.6 (ZIP, 2.2MB)
- LFG VDig Driver Quickstart Guide (PDF)
Current Mac OS X v10.6 Version:
(For Intel Mac Pros)
- LFG VDig Driver v5.0.3 (ZIP, 2.2MB)
- LFG VDig Driver Quickstart Guide (PDF)
Current Universal Version (v10.5 & below):
(For Intel Mac Pro & PowerPC G5 Machines)
- LFG VDig Driver v2.2 (ZIP, 1MB)
- LFG VDig Driver v2.2 Quickstart Guide (PDF)
Current PowerPC Only Version:
(For PowerPC G5 Machines)
- LFG VDig Driver v1.5 (ZIP, 1.9MB)
- LFG VDIG Driver v1.5 Quickstart Guide (PDF)
Special PowerPC Version:
Please see the v1.5c Quickstart Guide below to determine if you require this special version.
- LFG VDIG Driver v1.5c (ZIP, 1.9MB)
- LFG VDIG Driver v1.5c Quickstart Guide (PDF)
Video Capture for Windows DirectShow
The DirectShow interface from Microsoft allows third party applications to control a wide variety of video capture devices. We provide a driver for the LFG4-MM frame grabber compatible with DirectShow applications on Windows XP.
Current Capture Driver:
- Download Direct Show Driver v.2.0 (ZIP, 1MB)
- DirectShow Driver Quickstart Guide (PDF)